Private Sessions with dawn

Dawn Grace Kelly is a spiritual teacher, intuitive and healer who has been working with clients and students for close to 30 years.
Her proven techniques have helped thousands of people transform their lives and are now available to you too. 

Dawn sees a limited number of clients via Zoom or in person in Nelson, New Zealand.


These sessions are an integration of:

  • Intuitive energy reading
  • Regression therapy
  • Process work
  • Spiritual healing
  • Tarot
  • Channeled guidance
  • Counselling

Learn what patterns are in the way of you living more authentically.
Be guided to clarity and your own truth.
Be supported to lovingly release patterns that are holding you back.

Initial sessions are 2 hours. Price $250 NZD
Follow up sessions are 90 min. Price  $190 NZD


"For those on a journey of healing and personal growth, 'Truth Spirit Love' provides everything you need to assist you on your path.
Dawn Grace Kelly offers a wide variety of tools combined with valuable insight and advice and she delivers it in a very practical and easy-to-understand way. Truth Spirit Love' really, truly is – an essential guide to healing!" – 
Michelle Buchanan, Hay House author of The Numerology Guidebook.


You know when, you know there’s something going on just on the peripheral of your senses and you can’t quite get grasp it? Or when you know there’s some deep message or releasing waiting for you and you need someone else to hold space and guide you whilst you do the work? Well, for me, Dawn has been that person. I don’t have much patience. I like to move fast, go deep, get in, sort it out, move on. Dawn knows what to say and when to say it and she picks up on my pace and let’s things unfold without trying to control. On the couple of occasions we’ve worked together, I’ve been impressed with her professionalism and her kind but ‘let’s get to it’ approach. I trust her. Thanks, Dawn!

Dawn Marron Nelson,NZ


Past Life Regression is a powerful, transformational therapy. You can release long held patterns and issues that have restricted your forward growth for many years. When we get to the actual origin of the issue we can finally do the simple and profound processing work to heal it.

Sensing yourself in another body, in another time with the feelings to go with it is a fascinating and often life-changing experience. It certainly changed my reality in all sorts of wonderful ways!

This therapy is helpful for phobias, fears, relationship issues, difficult moving forward, dis-ease, fertility issues, mental issues - in fact I have seen a very long list of physical , emotional, mental and spiritual issues healed using past life regression.

  • Be guided on a journey to explore other lives, realms or planets.
  • Connect with your Higher Self
  • Discover important events that are in the way of your authentic life today.
  • Learn how the thoughts and emotions from the past are impacting your life today.
  • Clear these patterns for good.
  • Release karmic ties that cause issues with relationships today.

What Happens in a Session?

  • You will experience a deep relaxation and be guided to enter an altered state of consciousness where you are able to access your subconscious mind.
  • You will meet your own Higher Self - the Wise, Loving, Spiritual You that is always with you.
  • You will be gently guided into a past life where you will find yourself accessing images and information. 
  • You will experience everything that is important for you to see or feel at this time which may include exploring your childhood, parents, work life, relationships, talents, trauma, important events and your dying experience.
  • You will move through the dying process - this allows you to access information about the feelings and thoughts you took with you when you died.
  • You will explore how that life affects you today.
  • You will be guided and supported to energetically release the patterning that is holding you back today.
  • You will clear any adverse karma that affects your current life.
  • You will be gently guided back to current time to integrate your experiences.

Book a session with Dawn

Sessions are from 2 to 3 hours.

Price $450 NZD


Let's get an archetypal/symbolic map using Tarot of where you are at in your world right now.

We can also hone in on specific queries.

Tarot is fascinating, fun, therapeutic, amazing  and accurate!


Sessions are 60 minute sessions.

Price $135 NZD


I attended a retreat late last year and during one of the meditations I slipped into a past life.  I have done many past life regressions both as a client and as a practitioner.  This one was different as this time I was a male and the perpetrator of a horrible crime.  It really shook me to the core that I could have been this person and done this terrible thing, I was carrying a lot of shame and really feeling it.


I contacted Dawn to take me though a PLR to clear the energy I was feeling.  It was a great session over zoom, with Dawn’s gentle guidance I was able to let go of the shame and clear the energy of that past life.  I still feel so much lighter and have more understanding of others.  I am also less judgemental of others which is a great feeling.  I highly recommend Dawn as a training practitioner and for private sessions to take you through the difficult times in life.

Imelda Curtin cHRISTCHURCH, NZ


Dawn has been been working with clients and students for close to 30 years as a spiritual healer, regressionist, intuitive, teacher, mentor and guide. Coupled with her own personal healing journey from codependency, addiction and abuse she has a vast experience of what it takes to truly heal.

Dawn's passion is for supporting Lightworkers to step up and do the important planetary work they're here for.

When we all stand up and shine our Light a whole lot of Love is vibing out to every living thing, this is what will bring the change our Earth home is craving.

Dawn enjoys working with the deep, hidden aspects of our being via journeys, Tarot, regression, inner child and shadow work. When these unconscious thoughts and feelings are brought to the light we become more authentic, happier and on purpose.

She admires courage and bravery. "This is what it takes to face fear, feel big feelings and befriend our dark side."

Her studies include hypnotherapy, past life regression, tarot, spiritual healing, Reiki master training, inner child work, channeling, shadow work, equine psychotherapy, codependency and addiction counseling training, boundary work and QHHT with Dolores Cannon.


Dawn loves sharing inspiring, informative wisdom on self-development, psychology and spirituality. She is a warm and engaging speaker.

To arrange a phone or Zoom conversation please contact.