Inner Child Course


The inner child is a powerful force within us all. When we are not

conscious of this we can experience difficult behavioural, relationship

and emotional issues.

By working with the inner child I have brought greater ease and

balance to my own life as well as facilitating major shifts for hundreds

of clients. When we connect with the inner child transformative

healing begins.

This work is sacred, touching and profound. Be prepared to grow!


This training is for healers, therapists or those who have undertaken

self development or counselling work and is by application only.

What is the inner child and what role does it play in healing?

How does the inner child affect our adult life?

When is this work appropriate?

How do we access the inner child?

How to connect your client to their inner child

The role of forgiveness in healing.

Disconnecting energetic ties

Experiential work

You will have the opportunity to work with your own inner child as well

as practice facilitating others in their healing process