September 18

Major Dis-ease is Not Random.


Here’s a FACEBOOK post from June 2023:

It’s taken awhile for me to have the space and clarity to feel ready to share with you what’s happening in my world. Now is the time ✨

My beloved partner Perry was diagnosed with a particularly challenging dis-ease recently. His breathing capacity is reduced by around 70%. It’s requiring quite a bit of presence and mindfulness for him, as well as some big changes to his, and our lives.

We have known for 2 months what it was likely to be from initial xrays. Waiting 8 weeks for the specialist diagnoses was an unusual journey. For me there’s been sadness like I’ve never known, enlightened spiritual connections, deep fear, the biggest, most brilliant Love, lots of pivoting, research, prayers, amazing discoveries, and a lot of caring, as well as receiving so much love and support from those close to us 🤯🙏

Last week it was confirmed by a specialist that Perry has advanced pulmonary fibrosis – progressive scarring of the lungs, with no medical cure.

Challenges are not random!

We know this challenge, and ANY challenge is never random. Perry is keenly aware of the deepest aspects of what this is all truly about.

The growth opportunites are profound. He is fully, and whole-heartedly embracing this healing journey. He sees this as an unfolding ceremony that requires surrender, presence and great Love. I have been amazed by his grace and acceptance.

A day after the diagnoses, Rain (our 17yo) was involved in a particularly intense car crash. Himself and his 2 female passengers were very, very blessed to survive it. There’s some serious injuries, yet they will all recover.

It was probably the biggest week of my life actually (I also fell and ended up at ER! — just a sprained ankle though) The learning is incredible, and ever-unfolding. We are all discovering so much, on so many levels. It is a profound journey for us all. And it is tiring.

We are all still recovering from these shocks, grieving how life was, and trusting in the Higher Plan we have set ourselves.

These challenges are spiritual training of course. We are all keenly aware of the great discoveries, lessons, and uplifting growth to be had as we map our way forward.

Thank you for your Love.





Facebook post September 2023:

How’s Perry doing?

Thanks for your messages and support. And your patience with not connecting with me, or us. It’s been a challenging time, requiring much internal and external processing.

Perry and I just had a few nights away for the first time since he got chicken pox late March. (That’s what brought on the intensity of the breathing problems – pulmonary fibrosis, that he was later diagnosed with.)

It was a powerful, sobering and deeply healing trip. The reality of living with limited breath is big. Perry can no longer do the majority of what he could before.

Walking up our driveway needs a very slow pace, and extra time to take breaks. Walking in general must be short. 10 minutes is a big walk for Perry, he needs recovery after that long. Carrying things is taxing. Talking too much is taxing.

So it was a different trip to what we’ve been used to in our 24 years as a couple. Whilst it has been very sad for us, we are also experiencing profound emotional intimacy, and a knowing that the path we’re on is not random. There are some deep, ancient issues at play looking for resolve.

Physical dis-ease has a root cause

For every physical dis-ease there is a fear-based belief that originated somewhere in time. That so happens to be the work I specialise in — getting to the root of any physical, emotional, mental or spiritual dis-ease (the spelling that symblises the truth of ‘disease’) via regression therapy. It is powerfully transformational work.

Perry has now seen the respiratory specialist for the 2nd time. Hardcore drugs and lung transplant is what the specialist team thinks is the best way to go (which doesn’t vibe with him, or myself.)

FYI successful lung transplants give a 5-7 year life expectancy, and then people die of infection evidently as the body wants to reject the foreign lungs. That is why strong immunity suppressing drugs are a permanant must after this huge experience – to fight the bodies wisdom. Crazy, right? Well, maybe not if you don’t trust your intuition or bodies wisdom, and you fear death.

Intuition is not something the general population trust

Intuition is not something the general population trust. It’s been conditioned out of us. When we were young we learnt our inner feelings were wrong by those who mocked, punished or gaslit us into believing what we felt or sensed was wrong or ‘just imagination’. If our feelings were too challenging for our caregiver at the time, then we would be shut down, or distracted out of them.

Intuition is a quiet inner knowing. We must be still, away from the dominant thinking mind to hear this voice. Hence the power of stillness, mindfulness, meditation and practising presence.

After a few months of Perry dropping some counselling clients and spacing days and times with the others, he has realised it isn’t serving him to give to others at this time. He’s just made the very difficult decision to fold the full – time private practise he built from scratch after losing his family therapist position during covid.

This will be a BIG shift for us as Perry’s income is pivotal for our fixed expenses, which includes a mortgage. I am yet to see if I can settle down enough to up my hours and make a lot more money in a short time. Being creative has been challenging. Teaching and being with clients however has been wonderfully focussing and satisfying for me during this mega-shift in our world.

Come and have a session, I am super connected at present!

We are open to what is meant to be, and we trust we are being guided and supported in ways we don’t even know yet.

Thank you for all the love and positivity you are sending our way — I feel it 🙏✨

with light



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