August 24

5 Truths About Blame


The dis-ease of blame is rampant in our world. It starts wars and it ends marriages. We’re angry with strangers and we yell at our children. Even within our spiritual, self-aware communities blame is often a regular act. I’m a culprit myself.

It’s easy to run mindlessly with a mental habit than to do the harder work of discovering what’s really going on for one’s self. When I’m feeling anxious is a classic time for me to blame. It’s an unconscious attempt to get some kind of control. I’d like to see more general awareness around this damaging and destructive force as well as greater personal mindfulness for us all. If we all stopped blaming there would be a huge collective out breath of relief.

In it’s less destructive form it’s tiring for both parties and brings tension to our minds and bodies. Emotionally it can trigger the wounded inner child who had someone else’s rubbish dumped on her. At it’s worst it leads us on a downward spiral that can end in abuse, addictions and depression.

Here’s 5 truths about blame.

1. It’s an outward expression of your own bad feeling and pain.

2. It will make others feel bad. They’re left with your dense energy all over them. It can make them defensive too, that means an argument has probably begun.

3. Blame is an ego defense to protect our wounded self, a self that is vulnerable and scared.

4. When we blame another we are inadvertently saying we cannot or will not see clearly.

5. To blame means to not take responsibility for yourself.

Be mindful of your behaviour and your words. Pause, breathe and notice what’s happening for you before you mindlessly blame. Choose not to give energy to hurting your self and others with this destructive energy. It will change your life in all the best ways.

wishing you a mindful week

with light

Photo by Bohdan Komarivskyi on Unsplash


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