August 17

The Benefits of Past Life Regression


woman in red dress in the grounds of a castle

A question I’ve heard many times is — why would I want to explore a past life when I have plenty to deal with in this lifetime? It’s a query I totally respect. We do have plenty to deal with in this life. Our current-life history has plenty of trauma, hurt and betrayal that, at some point, we will need to process and accept with Love. That will take plenty of your time. It’s certainly taken plenty of mine!

Sometimes the root of our present time issue will take us further back in time than this life. In these instances we may find ourselves in a ‘past life’ in order to resolve an issue. Fears, phobias, relationship issues, unhelpful beliefs and physical issues can all have roots in another time or reality.

I have been faciliating and teaching Past Life Regression for a few decades now. I have seen hundreds of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues resolve after doing this deep, transformational work. Here’s a list of just some of them:

Fertililty issuesPregnancy issuesChronic painSexual problemsWeight issuesEating disordersRelationship problemsRepetitive patternsFear of water, the dark, small spaces, flying, dogs, ants, success, noise, bright lights, heifghts, boatsJealousyBreathing issuesDiseaseMigraines

We store hurts on every level in our bodies and psyches.  I also do regressive work to when we were younger in this lifetime to make peace with past trauma  that is holding us back somehow today. Regardless of how far back these issues go, we must make peace with them in order for a healing shift to occur. When we do this the big kind of healing happens.

When we have trouble breaking repetitive patterns or difficulty healing from our physical, emotional or mental issues after looking to our histories in this life, it can be very helpful to look further back in time. There is an origin to every ‘issue.’

When we die we take our unhealed emotions and thoughts with us. If we are holding anger, guilt, resentment or fear we will be drawn to reincarnate with those same psychological issues until we have made peace with them.

Past life regression as a healing modality takes you into an altered state of consciousness so you can access memories from deep within. It allows you to access your subconscious mind where the memories of everything that has ever happened to you are stored. You will come to know the thoughts and feelings of a challenging nature that youtook with you as you died in another lifetime. You are then able to process them as well as energetically release them from your system — permanently clearing karmic patterns. It is powerful, transformational work.

So whether it’s this life or another I urge you to be brave and look to the root of any issue you’re having trouble shifting so real peace can be yours. Trust your inner knowing to guide you to right support and right timing. When we accept and Love ALL of our past we are truely coming into Full Power.

wishing you peace with all of your past

with lightDawn

Image by Mark Frost 


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